Green Wind Renewables Privacy Policy


Grevillea Wind Farm Pty Ltd (as trustee for the Grevillea Wind Farm Trust) (“Grevillea Wind Farm”, “we” and “us”) is registered in Australia with company number ACN 668 794 394.  Grevillea Wind Farm’s principal place of business is Level 2, 190 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000. 

We respect the privacy of the people we deal with, and we uphold high standards of privacy practice and security. This policy explains how we handle personal information and how we interact with you online and in-person. 

Whenever we handle personal information, we take steps to ensure that appropriate standards of privacy practice and security are applied. 

This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) sets out why we need to collect personal information, how we collect it, what we do with it, how it is stored and who we might share it with. The Policy also describes how you can access or correct information we hold about you, how you can ask further questions or make a complaint, and information about our website, online activities and our operations.  

Data protection principles 

We comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

This means that the personal information we hold about you must be: 


    • managed in an open and transparent way;

    • collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes; 

    • accurate and kept up to date; 

    • kept only as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes we have told you about; and 

    • kept securely.  

The information we collect if you use our website

If you are a user of this website, we only collect and process personal information that you may choose to provide to us via online forms such as the “Contact Us” form, and limited information captured by cookies. This typically includes: 


    • your name; 

    • your company; 

    • your email address; and 

    • your domain and IP address. 

We do not automatically link your domain and IP address to any personal information that you choose to provide to us. 

If you are a user of this website, we process your data to respond to your queries and to analyse the number and type of queries coming into Grevillea Wind Farm. If you sign up for alerts or for other communications, we will use your contact details to provide you with these alerts or other communications. 

The information we collect as part of our development of the Grevillea Wind Farm project (“Project”)

If you interact with us as part of our delivery of the Project, we only collect and process personal information that you, our affiliates or our project partners provide to us via online forms, surveys, platforms, media and publications, online and in-person community forums, and other communications with us such as complaints. This may include:


    • your name; 

    • your company; 

    • your email address;

    • your telephone number;

    • your address;

    • details about any questions you ask us;

    • your survey responses where we have sent you a survey; and 

    • your domain and IP address. 

We will use your information as reasonably necessary for the development and delivery of the Project, to identify and interact with you, or for any other purpose that we let you know about at the time we collect your personal information. 

Sensitive Information

We generally do not ask for or collect sensitive information from individuals. However, as part of community forums (or in other discussions with you), we may collect any sensitive information that you choose to provide us as part of your participation in the forum or those other discussions. If you do provide us with sensitive information, we will treat it in accordance with the Privacy Act and APPs.

We may also collect personal information (and potentially sensitive information as part of this) through photographs, drone footage or other video footage of our Project site and surrounding areas for surveying and safety purposes.  Where possible and practicable, we will seek your consent before gathering footage that may collect any sensitive information. 

Why we collect personal information

We request personal information about you which is reasonably necessary to: 


    • deliver and develop the Project;

    • respond to your query or complaint; 

    • identify and interact with you;

    • provide information about our activities, events and developments to you;

    • comply with our legal obligations; and

    • fulfill the terms of any contractual relationship.

We may also collect your personal information for any other purpose for which you give your consent.

If you do not provide us with relevant personal information or you seek to deal with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym, our ability to respond to your query in a useful or timely manner, or to provide you with other communications that you have requested, or our ability to provide our products and services to you may be compromised. 

How we collect your information 

Most of the time, we collect personal information about you directly from you when you provide it to us. This can be in person, in documents you give us, from telephone calls, emails or via form submission on our website.

Sometimes, we may collect personal information about you from third parties, such as government agencies, regulators, commercial counterparties, public records, from our project partners or project entities, or from any referrers who have referred you to us.

We take reasonable steps to be transparent about how and why we collect personal information. 

We sometimes receive unsolicited personal information. In circumstances where we receive unsolicited personal information we will use reasonable endeavours to destroy or de-identify the information as soon as practicable if it is lawful and reasonable to do so (unless the unsolicited personal information is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, our functions or activities).

How we store your information 

We keep personal information in physical and electronic records, at our premises and on the premises of our service providers, which may include processing or storage in the cloud, which may mean in practice that this information is stored outside Australia or other jurisdictions from time to time.  

Where this occurs, we take steps to protect the security and integrity of personal information. 

We may also keep records of our interactions with you (including by telephone, email, online, and from online and in-person community forum, and interactions with individuals on or around our Project sites). 

How we use your information 

We use personal information about you for the purpose for which it was provided to us, including to: 


    • deliver and develop the Project;

    • handle your query;

    • comply with our legal and reporting obligations;

    • fulfill the terms of any contractual relationship; and

    • communicate with you and deal with or investigate any complaints or enquiries.  

We may also: 


    • use personal information about you for the prevention and mitigation of fraud and other financial crimes;

    • use personal information to improve our business processes and for our own administrative purposes; or 

    • use or permit our affiliates to use your personal information for related purposes to the extent that it is lawful to do so without your express permission.  

While we may sometimes – where it is lawful and with your permission if necessary – share personal information with companies we do business with (eg. in product development, joint venture arrangements or distribution arrangements), we do not sell personal information for marketing purposes to other organisations or allow such companies to do this. 

Using your personal information for direct marketing

From time to time, and in support of our future development and growth, we may, or jointly with our project partners,  use your personal information to contact you to promote and market our Project.

You can opt-out from being contacted for direct marketing purposes by contacting us at the email address below or by using the unsubscribe facility included in direct marketing communications we send. Once we receive a request to opt out from receiving marketing information, we will stop sending such information within a reasonable amount of time.

When your information is disclosed 

Subject in all cases to local law, we may share personal information within Grevillea Wind Farm, and may disclose personal information outside Grevillea Wind Farm: 


    • with third-party service providers to assist in responding to your query or to assist with the distribution of alerts and other communications and the maintenance of contact lists; 

    • to our service providers who provide services in connection with our business.  This may include relevant Government agencies (such as Western Power);

    • to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, such as those imposed by regulators, arising under anti-money laundering or anti-terrorism financing laws, or reasonably arising in connection with legal proceedings;  

    • to our affiliates;

    • to our project partners and other relevant project stakeholders to assist in the planning, development, delivery and maintenance of the Project, or for other purposes listed in this Policy;

    • to potential investors or purchasers of any part of our business; and 

    • for the prevention and mitigation of fraud and other financial crimes. 

Where necessary to provide our services, we may disclose personal information may operate outside Australia. Where this occurs, we take the appropriate steps to protect personal information against misuse or loss under the applicable privacy laws and to comply with local law in respect of the transfer of your data from one jurisdiction to another.

How you can access or correct your information 

We take reasonable steps to ensure that all information we hold is as accurate as possible. You are able to contact us at any time using our details below to request access to your personal information and ask for its correction if you feel the information we have about you is inaccurate or incomplete. 

In normal circumstances, we will give you full access or make the requested corrections to your information. However, there may be some legal or administrative reasons to deny these requests. If your request is denied, we will provide you with the reason why (if we can). Where we decide not to make a requested correction to your personal information and you disagree, you may ask us to make a note of your requested correction with the information. 

Keeping information secure 

We use security procedures and technology to protect the information we hold. Access to and use of personal information within Grevillea Wind Farm seeks to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure of the information. 

If other organisations provide support services, we require them to take appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure the privacy of the information provided to them. 

Dealing with us online  

When you visit our website you will generally browse anonymously unless you have accessed the website from a personalised communication from us or from our project partners. 

For all visitors to our website, we use cookies and other web browser technologies to collect information such as the server your computer is logged on to, your browser type (for example, Chrome or Firefox), and your IP address. (An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer automatically and required for using the internet.) We may also derive the location associated with an IP address. 

Once you have accessed our website from an email or other personalised communication sent to you or provided us with personal information by completing a form online, we may be able to identify you and we may combine that with other information to provide you with a better online experience. If you would prefer not to be identified, you can delete the cookies and reconfigure the cookie preferences on your internet browser. 

Contact us  

If you have any questions or complaints regarding privacy or information handling, please write to We will respond as soon as we are able to let you know who will be handling your matter and when you can expect a further response. 

If your concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, you may be able to escalate your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner here:

Updated: February 2024. Next scheduled update: January 2025.